International Workshop on New directions in continuum mechanics: on the interplay among mathematics, mechanics and physics September 8 Â 11, 2008 Venue La Residencia,Castro Urdiales, Cantabria, Spain Registration fee payment details: Registration fees By 15 June: 100 Â After 15 June: 150 Â Payment method By transfer to the following bank account:
Scope of the Workshop The aim of the Workshop is to explore the possibility of building upon recent work by bringing together experts in mathematical modelling at different levels, physicists and mechanics people working in the broad area of continuum mechanics. The Workshop will include theoretical, experimental and computational modelling of the mechanics of different materials (fluids and solids) within the framework of related theories at the continuum level. This will hopefully generate new interdisciplinary collaborations that will advance understanding of the role of mechanics, mathematics and physics in the continuum media. Applications of Continuum mechanics is increasing in larger and different number of areas. For instance, it has become a fundamental science in investigations in biomechanics. Soft tissue constitutive equations have been developed and the stresses and strains are being calculated for skin, tendon, ligament and bone. Furthermore, as new materials are being developed, they are being modeled as a continuum. Continuum mechanics is also being used in nanotechnology even on that small of a scale. The language of the Workshop will be both English and Spanish and the audience could consist mainly of mathematicians (either pure or applied), engineers (mechanical and civil), materials scientists and physicists. Organization Co-Chairmen (contact any of the organizers for further information) Workshop Scientific Comité Diego Córdoba, CSIC (Madrid, Spain) Manuel de León, CSIC (Madrid, Spain) Manuel Doblaré, Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain) Marcelo Epstein, University of Calgary (Calgary, Canada) Iñigo Losada, Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain) José Merodio, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) Ray W. Ogden, University of Glasgow, (Glasgow, UK) Eugenio Oñate, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Barcelona, Spain) Enrique Zuazua, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, IMDEA-MATEMATICAS (Madrid, Spain) Supporting Organizations Centro Internacional de Encuentros Matemáticos (Universidad de Cantabria) CSIC Ayuntamiento de Castro Urdiales Grupo de Mecánica Computacional de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Call for Papers Prospective participants are invited to submit a one-page Abstract on a topic related to the subject of the Workshop. The Abstract should outline briefly the main results, conclusions and significance of the work. It should be written in English or Spanish and be submitted in either *.doc, *.ps or *.pdf format, or as an editable text file, set in 12pt type. It should include · full names, addresses and affiliations of each author · · mail and email addresses of each author · and be submitted by 1 June, 2008. An earlier indication of intention to participate would help in the planning and would be very much appreciated. Students with relevant experience are encouraged to also attend the Workshop. Venue The Workshop will take place in the small picturesque seaside town of Castro Urdiales, which is on the north coast of Spain situated about 25 minutes by road from Bilbao on the main route to Santander. The Workshop venue is the recently restored building called La Residencia, situated near the centre of the town only 50 metres from the sea and a short (5 minute) walk from the hotels. On the web site for Castro Urdiales there is a link to La Residencia and a map of the town. On clicking the map it will enlarge: La Residencia is located in grid reference B7 - click on that grid and it will enlarge and La Residencia is marked as 8 on this map. The hotels are located in grids B8 and C8. Accommodation A number of hotel rooms have been earmarked for participants in the Workshop. Participants should contact the hotels directly by email to book their accommodation, stating that they are participating in the 'New Trens Mechanics' Workshop.
Special (reduced) rates for the Colloquium have been negotiated: Las Rocas: including breakfast; single room 79 Â + 7% taxes; double room 89 Â + 7% taxes: for reservations, email Note: this hotel has free internet access in the rooms and wireless internet access in some locations. Miramar: including breakfast; single room 50 Â + 7% taxes; double room, 60 Â + 7% taxes: for reservations, email Transportation The nearest airport to Castro Urdiales is in Bilbao, and is about half an hour by road. The best way to reach Castro Urdiales from the airport is by taxi, but the organizers will aim to arrange transportation between the hotels and Bilbao airport. Important Dates
Hosted by the Centro Internacional de Encuentros Matemáticos |
Dr. Diego Córdoba Departmento de Matemáticas CSIC, C/Serrano 123 Email: |
Dr. Manuel de León Departmento de Matemáticas CSIC, C/Serrano 123 Email: |
Dr. José Merodio Dpto. Mecánica Medios Continuos Universidad Politécnica Madrid Madrid 28040 Email: |